
合并运输集装箱卸货码头仓库装卸 拼箱货物运输服务
将货运代理业务多元化 承运人偏好会根据您的交货时间和预算要求而变化.


Australian subcontractors who provide services to non-resident customers (who are not in Australia when the services are provided) and those services form part of the international transport of goods from Australia by the customer, will make a GST-free supply. Supplies of loading, handling and other services that facilitate the international transport of goods, are also GST-free when made to a non-resident who is not in Australia when the services are provided.其中纽约的总部仓库面积33000平方英尺,为美东地区现有最大的华人快递仓库,运营面积达到50000英尺。华美拥有专业的物流团队、先进的自动化操作流水线。同时中国大陆也设有分公司和专业清关团队,以及物流中转仓库,并且在杭州、广州、上海、郑州设立合作保税仓。

华美快递是美国邮政(United States Postal)美东地区指定签约战略合作伙伴,并且在2015年6月隆重推出美国邮政针对美中个人包裹的快递专线。在纽约市区、新泽西、费城、特拉华、维吉尼亚等主要华人社区设有代理商以及加盟店。