
合并运输集装箱卸货码头仓库装卸 拼箱货物运输服务
将货运代理业务多元化 承运人偏好会根据您的交货时间和预算要求而变化.

西沃萨古尔·拉姆古兰爵士 中非货代公司

Your container will almost certainly be shipped to one of Spain’s three major shipping ports. They are as follows, with statistics sourced from the European Union:
Valencia (east, 5.2 million containers per year)
Algeciras (south, 4.8 million containers per year)
Barcelona (northeast, 3.4 million containers per year)
Once your container reaches a Spanish port, it will go by truck or train to your new house. A door-to-door service means you won’t have to worry about organising this final stage on your own.